Nahdet El Mahrousa works with social entrepreneurs and innovators on shaping, validating, and growing their social enterprises in Egypt.

Incubator El Mahrousa
Supporting social innovators & entrepreneurs in building & growing their enterprises

Partners El Mahrousa
Supporting civil society organizations in maintaining & expanding their social impact

Garage El Mahrousa
Gathering NM’s community of partners, entrepreneurs, innovators & friends


Our Community

Amar El Zaman Abd El Halim
Co-founder of Chagara
Nahdet El Mahrousa’s incubation round helped us improve every component of our startup through technical workshops and access to experts in the field. It’s a very useful experience particularly for startups in the handicrafts sector

Omar Shoqeir
Co-founder of Wasla
The trainings were very useful to us and they really made a difference especially when we were first starting out. The finance and digital marketing workshops were particularly useful and, definitely, the financial support which helped us hire a social media manager and launch our first live event. It was a much needed push during our beginnings

Youssef El Tahawy
Founder of 3alfa
اتعلمنا في دورة احتضان خليها سويسي: ازاي نقدم قيمة مجمتعية وأهميتها في نجاح واستمرار المشروع، وازاي نعمل الدراسات المالية بشكل دقيق ونكشف نقاط الضعف ونقويها، وعرفتنا علي الشركات المحتضنة وازاي نساعد بعض

Ahmed Gamal
Founder of G-Truck
التدريبات والاستشارات اللي أخدناها في دورة احتضان خليها سويسي كانت الأهم والأنسب بالنسبلنا في المرحلة الحالية وساعدتنا نفكر بشكل كويس في العوامل الأساسية لنجاح الشركات الناشئة
Our Services
Nahdet El Mahrousa has accumulated a wealth of tools and resources over the years that allow it to offer a wide range of services to its beneficiaries
We offer different types of funding: grants for civil society organizations, awards for idea-stage startups, seed funding for early-stage startups, and impact investment funding for growth-stage startups.
Capacity Building Programs
The capacity building programs NM offers are far from a one-size fits all. Our content is always geared and adjusted to serve its designated cohort of social enterprises & organizations.
Business Support Unit
The BSU offers offer tailored and context-based solutions for social entrepreneurs to navigate through their unique administrative and back office challenges in the easiest, fastest, most affordable way.
Content & Knowledge Creation
Nahdet El Mahrousa generates a great deal of content by virtue of its work. We conduct various types of research, mappings, and rely on other mechanisms to design and deliver effective programs.
One of our main assets is our vast network of professionals from a range of fields covering industry, policy, government, academia, and civil society.
NM offers access to a co-working space in the heart of downtown Cairo that provides a range of facilities including hot desks, dedicated desks, meeting rooms, lounge areas, and a versatile technical space for social enterprises in the handicrafts and performing arts sectors.